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Day 21

Day 21…..

Today was only a driving day in BIG RED, so no quilt stores but what a beautiful country side. We drove on hwy 20 heading east towards Idaho. We crossed the state line about 4:30 with an hour time change for the later. So we lost an hour. The road was winding, hilly at times, and straight as an arrow other times. An RV will do well on this road. But it is an excellent motorcycle ride! BUT fill up with fuel before this long stretch of highway. We crossed over the Malheur River many times until it flowed into the Snake River. The hills an mountains before us took on many shapes and colors as we drove on. We stopped for the day around 5:30pm. I looked down at my feet and was chuckling at my much needed pedicure. That’s what happens after being gone for weeks.

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