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Guess who's coming to town?


Starting soon I will have an EQ8 educator here to teach. It will be a one day class and you will need to bring your PC laptop. I was told the software will be loaded onto your laptop and will be active for two weeks. How cool is that? My baby block quilt was designed on EQ8....(a software program)

Next educator will be arriving in the winter February 21st through the 24th. She is none other than Cindy Roth of Longarmuniversity. .I am pumped. We will be doing a hands on workshop on a long arm. Prices are still being decided and space is limited to 6. We have accommodations for out of towners.

There is one more opening for the sunflower pillow class! $25 for the class and $10 for the kit which includes the pillow form. Hope to see you here.

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Gayle Mitchel
Gayle Mitchel
Aug 15, 2021

BOTH EQ8 and longarming are things I wish I could attend!!!!! I already have EQ8 and need to learn how to use it more efficiently. I also have a 7' l.a. and need more training. Sigh. Great classes Palma!!!!!

Aug 15, 2021
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