Summer heat can cause Summer Daze. Keep your mind sharp and make something! My classes offer fun with air conditioning! Most supplies are included in the classes.
June 4th: from 1pm to 4pm is the Father's Day Block of the month. (paper piecing method) $30. I have many colors to choose from.

June 11th: from 9-noon is the Patriotic Banner class. The banner is double sided and the forts 4 people to sign up will receive a free template.
June 13-17: Youth sewing experience required!
July 9th: 9-noon is the CITRUS PILLOW class (choice of orange, Lemon, or Lime), come learn how to use the shrinky fabric! And the Block of the Month class is at 2pm. Photo not available yet for the BoM class. (but it will be a flag) If you attend the BoM class I will embroider one or more stars on your block for free. Both classes are $30
July 11th at 6pm is the UFO class. Bring your unfinished objects and sew until they are done. This is free. If you want to start something new from the classes given then it is the price of the class. I am here to help.